Editing Services

Edit your author as you would be edited.

―Barbara Sjoholm, An Editor’s Guide to Working with Authors

Types of Editing Services

I provide web editing and book editing services for print and e-books.

  • Content Editing: Online editing with established house styles and following SEO principles
  • Copy Editing: A word-by-word edit for accuracy, consistency, and correctness of grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  • Stylistic Editing: Line editing, looking at coherence, flow, and voice
  • Structural Editing: Looking at big-picture issues like content, organization, and permissions
  • Proofreading: Correcting errors following style guides, including details around layout, text, and visual elements
  • Formatting and Design: I use Vellum software to create files ready for print and e-book publishing (EPUB, MOBI, and PDF files for Apple, Google, Ingram Spark, Kindle–Amazon, Kobo, and Nook).

You can find a detailed breakdown of the various types of edits at Editors Canada. I’m happy to discuss with you further the type of edit you’re looking for or complete an assessment of your writing to determine what kind of edit is needed.

I provide a style sheet or guide to ensure your project or writing consistency. I provide feedback via memos and email and track changes in Microsoft Word. We can also arrange face-to-face meetings through messaging services like FaceTime, Google Chat, WhatsApp, or Zoom.

Writing Sample

For large manuscripts, I typically ask clients to send me a ten-page writing sample in Microsoft Word format, along with a word count, page count, and an outline of the edits you require. I can provide a sample edit and general feedback for recommended changes before I start a full edit.


Costs can vary depending on the type of editing required and the level of writing involved. We can discuss project costs in more detail, and I can outline these in a standard editing contract. I generally require a 25% deposit.

Please contact me to provide details of your project, to discuss a collaboration or any questions you may have, or to receive a quote for my editing services. You can email me at editor@deegy.ca or fill out a contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!

Editing Background

I’m a professional editor and a member of Editors Canada with a certificate in editing through Simon Fraser University (SFU). I specialize in editing online content and non-fiction books. But I’m open to discussing other types of creative projects.

My editing services include fiction, children’s and photography books, and poetry. I also enjoy working with self-publishing authors and helping non-profit organizations.

I believe in helping writers and organizations hone and perfect their message for their intended audience while maintaining authorial vision and voice as much as possible.

Editors Canada logo showing membership since 2017

Editing Projects

Below are a few examples of websites, books, and e-books I’ve worked on.

A graphic with the words do this for wow images an ExpertPhotography logo and a collage of photos
Unprepared photography and poetry books showing a cover and inside pages as an example of editing services
the cover of a book Then Colour of Snow with a hand and red scarf

What My Clients Say

More testimonials about my editing services from writers I’ve worked with.

a silhouette of a person with long hair
Joana Corzo

Deegy is an all-around editor whose experience and professionalism are shown in the quality of his work. He helped me—not just to correct the grammar and tenses in my manuscript but by giving me feedback on tone and flow. He asked questions and always answered mine. He created a style sheet for consistency and helped me to make an appendix with links. He also ensured that all of my manuscript’s citations were done properly, along with a bibliography. In general, he helped me to transform my work into a polished piece. I could not have been happier with the work he provided. I would hire him again instantly, and I look forward to working with him on my next project.

Stephen Langhjelm
Stephen C. Langhjelm

I consider myself a rookie when it comes to writing. Getting words on paper isn’t an issue for me, but I struggle to put everything together in a way that’s concise, easy to follow, and engaging for the audience I’m trying to reach. Working with Deegy eliminated those problems for me. At the time he began working on my project, he was overseas. Despite the distance between us, I was impressed by his communication and how he walked me through the editing process from start to finish. His professionalism and skill set are hard to find these days. Without a doubt, I’ll be using his services again soon and highly recommend the same for any aspiring writers out there.

Renu Parmar
Renu Parmar

Deegy has a kind, personable manner and is easy to work with. He expressed a lot of compassion for the sensitive subject matter of my story, and I appreciated this. Despite traveling and being in a different time zone, he always made himself available by email or FaceTime and welcomed my constructive feedback on his editing. I felt very comfortable expressing myself when a part of the process wasn’t working. Deegy also formatted my work for me. He did a fabulous job putting my work on all platforms (EPUB, Kindle, etc.).

The Colour of Snow

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